Dear club member,
The above ballot has been completed and the votes returned by members counted, independently of the committee, by Messrs. Archibald Sharp and Sons, solicitors. 90 ballot papers were returned.
There were 71 ballots voting in Yes in favour of the admission of women members and supper guests to the Partick Burns Club and 19 ballots voting No against the proposal. With over 78% of the votes cast in favour, the proposal is therefore carried. Women will be admitted to the club as members and guests after the upcoming supper on the 19th January 2024.
Membership forms will be made available by request from the secretary at the supper and afterwards. No changes to the actual format of future suppers are envisaged by the committee. If future changes to the constitution or the format of suppers are proposed by members they will be balloted in a similar manner to the ballot just completed.
As a reminder, if you haven’t already got your bookings in for the 2024 upper than please do so ASAP!