Author Archives: Malcolm Sharp

Various menus from 1885 to 1955 added

Historical menus from various sources including the old club minute book have been scanned and are available for viewing using the link in the Past Suppers page.

If any members have any memories of the location of the club suppers between 1968-1977, during the period the club moved from Dowanhill House above the City Bakers in Byres Road to the University of Glasgow Refectory, or even better still has menus from these suppers, please let me know.

Wreath laying at Burns Statue and Cathedral Service in memory of Robert Burns – 20-21 January 2024

Click here for photos: Wreath Laying and Cathedral Service 2024

Sheriff Seith Ireland as this year’s President had the honour to represent the Club at two ceremonies on the two days immediately after our Supper.

On Saturday 20th January he attended a reception at the City Chambers, with all the other Presidents of the Glasgow and District Burns Association, and thereafter to lay a wreath, on behalf of all in Partick Burns Club, at the Robert Burns statue on George Square.

Following that ceremony he and the other Presidents were entertained to lunch at the Merchants Hall. The lunch was an opportunity to meet the other Presidents and hear about their Clubs’ histories planned or completed Suppers. It is pleasing to report that despite challenges all the Clubs continue to prosper in honouring the memory of Robert Burns and celebrating his verse and songs. All present were further entertained by the singing of the children of New Cumnock Primary School and the playing of the clarsach and the singing of Burns songs by the award winning songwriter/singer, Pauline Vallance. Thanks are due to Seith’s wife Elizabeth for taking the photographs

On Sunday 21st Seith and Elizabeth attended the service at Glasgow Cathedral, which marked the work and life of the Glasgow and District Burns Association. A number of members of our Club were present in the congregation. The Presidents, including Seith, resplendent in their chains of office, formed a procession behind the beadle and the Minister at the commencement of the service. The Reverend Mark E Johnstone, a noted Robert Burns enthusiast and speaker, in his learned but also entertaining Sermon, drew parallels between the teaching of the Gospels and Burn’s verses and songs as being, too, directed to all humanity and commended us to see ourselves as others see us and expressed the hope, as had the Bard, “That Man to Man the warld o’er shall brithers be for a’ that”. He commended the work of all the Burns Clubs present in keeping alive the spirit of Robert Burns. Over tea and coffee all had a further opportunity to strengthen bonds with the other Burns Clubs present

Sheriff Seith Ireland

Ballot of members – Admission of women members… -Result

Dear club member,

The above ballot has been completed and the votes returned by members counted, independently of the committee, by Messrs. Archibald Sharp and Sons, solicitors. 90 ballot papers were returned. 

There were 71 ballots voting in Yes in favour of the admission of women members and supper guests to the Partick Burns Club and 19 ballots voting No against the proposal. With over 78% of the votes cast in favour, the proposal is therefore carried. Women will be admitted to the club as members and guests after the upcoming supper on the 19th January 2024.

Membership forms will be made available by request from the secretary at the supper and afterwards. No changes to the actual format of future suppers are envisaged by the committee. If future changes to the constitution or the format of suppers are proposed by members they will be balloted in a similar manner to the ballot just completed.

As a reminder, if you haven’t already got your bookings in for the 2024 upper than please do so ASAP!

Ballot of members – Admission of women members and supper guests to the Partick Burns Club

Dear club member,

The above proposed change to our club constitution has been the subject of discussion over a number of years by past and current committees. I am sure it has also been a topic of conversation around the tables at the our annual suppers as well. As Club Secretary, I am providing an opportunity for members to share their opinion on this matter by way of a paper ballot, voting for continuing the current membership arrangement or for changing the club constitution to allow the admission of women members and supper guests.

A letter explaining the reasons for the ballot and ballot arrangements, a ballot paper and an SAE was sent to all members with a postal address in the club database on the 11th November 2023. Those with no current postal address in the database were contacted by email requesting a contact address to which a ballot could be sent.

Please complete the ballot paper and use the SAE to return it for counting. The ballot papers will be independently counted and the result known by the week of 11 December 2023. The result will be posted on the club web site and circulated by email. If a change in the club constitution is required it will be implemented AFTER the upcoming supper in January 2024.

If you are aware of any members who have not yet received a ballot paper please let me know by phone or email.

Supper – Friday, 19th January 2024 – Save the Date

Dear club member,

The annual supper of the Partick Burns Club will be held on the 19th January 2024 once again at the Hillhead Sports Club.

The club president, Sherriff Seith Ireland, will be joined on the top table by David Vennard proposing the toast to the Immortal Memory. Dr. Cameron Marshall will be proposing the toast to Auld Pertyck. David Vennard will also be giving us a rendition of Tam O’Shanter and the musical interludes will be preformed by Douglas Nairne. As in years past a tombola in support of charities nominated by our guest speakers will take place during the evening.

Look for further information and booking forms arriving by post or email, depending on your stated preference, during the first week of December.

Annual Supper – Friday, 21st January 2022 – Cancellation

Dear club member,

I hope this letter finds you and your loved ones well and keeping safe.

It is my sad duty to inform you that the next club supper scheduled for 21st January 2022 has had to be cancelled. Following the results of the survey in September where a majority of the club members were in favour of proceeding with a supper, arrangements did indeed proceed until last weekend. However, the latest round of restrictions due to the Omicron variant of the coronavirus, with greater, and not fewer, restrictions forecast makes the success of proceeding further with an indoor gathering unlikely. Indeed, the High School of Glasgow, is also likely to cancel other events of its own in the same venue in January. With the health of our members foremost in our mind, and taking into account these other factors, the committee took the decision to cancel the event for January.

Drew Ireland has agreed to remain as club President for another year. The club remains in contact with the High School of Glasgow in preparation for a supper in January 2023. As some of you may be aware our caterer Alan James has retired, and we are now in contact with the High School’s new catering company, Compass, to ensure a continuation of the excellent fare provided in years past.

Keep a lookout for further information on the club website The committee is considering arranging a short ‘virtual’ on-line meeting, not a full supper, on the 21st January 2022 allowing members to toast the Immortal Memory of Robert Burns as a group. If you are interested in such an event being arranged, please let me know by phone, letter or email.

My best wishes for a merry Christmas (such as the current restrictions will allow) and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Annual Supper – Friday, 22nd January 2021 – Cancellation

-Copy of letter sent to members 28/11/2020-

But Mousie, thou are no thy-lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men,
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!

Still, thou art blest, compar’d wi’ me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But Och! I backward cast my e’e,
On prospects drear!
An’ forward, tho’ I canna see,
I guess an’ fear!

Dear Member,

I hope this letter finds you and loved ones well and keeping safe.

While you might be expecting this letter to contain information on the club’s next annual Burns Supper event, it is my sad duty to inform you that the next club supper has been cancelled due to the public meeting restrictions imposed to deal with the current COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the good news and optimism surrounding the development and deployment of vaccines it is very unlikely that public meeting restrictions will be lifted in time for an event in early 2021.

The good news ‘looking forward’ is that Drew Ireland has agreed to remain as club President for another year. The club also remains in contact with the High School of Glasgow in preparation for arranging an evening of good food, camaraderie and entertainment for January 2022. Keep a lookout for further information on the club website I will also send out emails and letters to club members as soon as restrictions are lifted and the date for the next supper is confirmed.

To you and yours I send my best wishes for a merry Christmas (such as the current restrictions will allow) and a happy and prosperous New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Malcolm Sharp
