Dear club member,
The above proposed change to our club constitution has been the subject of discussion over a number of years by past and current committees. I am sure it has also been a topic of conversation around the tables at the our annual suppers as well. As Club Secretary, I am providing an opportunity for members to share their opinion on this matter by way of a paper ballot, voting for continuing the current membership arrangement or for changing the club constitution to allow the admission of women members and supper guests.
A letter explaining the reasons for the ballot and ballot arrangements, a ballot paper and an SAE was sent to all members with a postal address in the club database on the 11th November 2023. Those with no current postal address in the database were contacted by email requesting a contact address to which a ballot could be sent.
Please complete the ballot paper and use the SAE to return it for counting. The ballot papers will be independently counted and the result known by the week of 11 December 2023. The result will be posted on the club web site and circulated by email. If a change in the club constitution is required it will be implemented AFTER the upcoming supper in January 2024.
If you are aware of any members who have not yet received a ballot paper please let me know by phone or email.